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During my consultation I was respected and valued, which is very important. I was able to receive clarity and practical strategy to enable me to achieve my goals. It was a step by step process to address my concerns and I was provided realistic methods to accomplish. I would absolutely recommend TM Consultants and look forward to future engagements.

Chrystal Singh


TM Consultants has provided me with relevant and up-to-date tools and techniques for managing my time especially in this era we live. Oh the simplicity, yet effectiveness of her ideas! With a warm, friendly smile and inspite of her own busy schedule, Tamara continues to make herself available for quick rescues at my finger tips…I like that! Now that’s highly recommendable!

Candice Alexander

Legal Assistant

Hey Ladies, just want to say as a new working mom with two babies 1 and 3 years old I really needed some help in getting my self together so I don’t get stuck in the rat race forever. Thanks to Tamara Rock of T.M consultancy Ltd. Time Management coaching gave me the tools I needed to improve my self management and keep my dreams before me. The skills I learned in this program will definitely be applied to all aspects of my life. I am really looking forward to the next level of this course.

Sarupa Jaffier


The UNSTUCK Program was an experience that all moms should undergo. I do wish I was more on top of things to have experienced a greater growth spurt. But was very satisfied with what I was able to achieve within the time and given the circumstances I would have undergone during the time.

Melissa Lee Gibbs


Before this program, I saw planning as a stressful activity but it’s actually the opposite and I certainly feel more empowered in taking charge of my life and attaining my goals. It has helped me to also stick to my plans and take better care of me

Serene Polo

Being a wife and mother of two active girls, I found that I was losing my personal identity to these two roles. I decided to embark upon a journey of personal development. I really did not know where to start or how to find the time to invest in me. After much prayer and failed attempts I won a free entrance to TM Consultant’s Time Management Program. This was the break I needed. The theory was relevant and empowered me with practical tips to understanding myself, setting goals and managing myself to attain these goals. I moved from just wishing I could get things done to doing it. I am actually checking off items on my vision board! The work is hard and Tamara does not make it sound like a bed of roses, she is real. She would always leaving me reflecting on how committed I am to the task ( it is not always easy but I would stay committed to getting it done). The investment is certainly worth it! Thanks Tamara and TM Consultants! 

Sita Benjamin


Honestly, if you want to take that first step to consciously create better time management habits and ultimately take control of your life, this program is that first step….especially when it is in the context of catering for busy mothers or women…there is no better program or tool to start with than the UNSTUCK Program. For me, I’ve been given practical knowledge on how to schedule my life in a systematic and logical manner such that I can find time to do the things that I enjoy. It’s a work in progress of course, but I already know I’m moving in the right direction.

Nickel James

I would describe the programme “UNSTUCK,” as a priceless tool that effectively provides the keys necessary to reshape one’s perspective on time management and the need to be a good steward, of your time on a daily basis. I enrolled in this course as a beta-tester and I was so glad that I did.Having completed the UNSTUCK programme I was reminded of the following simple but often overlooked gems of life; taking the necessary step to refuel my energy and focus to ensure an effective daily output on those priority tasks I’d identify to be completed daily, weekly or monthly. Some nuggets that stuck with me often echoed by Tamara during the programme is the need to be:

Intentional- plan, plan, plan your day, week and or month

Hit the reset button! (start over whenever your schedule becomes out of whack)

One of the activities you can look forward to is the inclusion of a time audit system in your daily routine, which gives a clear indication of what activities is afforded most of your time, or too little of your time respectively. Time waits on no one! Time is a priceless currency! These are phrases that I would often utter due to my awareness to zealously guard my time. As a wife, mom, daughter, sibling, ministry leader, friend and professional however, at times balancing all of these roles proved at times to be a task, as I was always very busy. On the completion of this course I am gracefully managing my daily commitments

