About Me

Tamara Rock

My Story

Hi, my name is Tamara Rock and if someone had told me years ago that I would have had two sets of twins I would not have believed it! But here I am, happily married with four wonderful children. Several years ago, I was sleep deprived, stressed and unhappy. I was trying to juggle marriage, newborns, a business, a full time job, college and church ministry.

I felt like I was failing at everything around me. I couldn’t keep my house clean. I was behind at work and I was struggling at school. I felt alone and judged by other Mothers as I fought to ‘keep it together.’ My confidence was non-existent and my marriage was in trouble. I turned to Google where I read hundreds of articles on Time Management. I also purchased books on how to increase productivity in an attempt to find some sort of solution to the chaos but nothing seemed to work.

In 2016 things changed drastically. I’d endured one of the toughest years of my life and in it I discovered the techniques that finally taught me how to manage my time and regain control of my life. Soon, close friends and family members began to ask me for help . I pursued International Coaching Certification and embarked on a new mission: To rescue ‘me!’

That woman who is overwhelmed and stressed in her attempt to ‘get it all done.’ To show her how she can regain control of her life and enjoy her journey. And what’s better is that with toddler twins I can relate to the ‘struggle’ and to other women who are also at this stage of their journey. So let’s do this together!

Let’s Chat

Ready to regain control of your life?’

Let’s chat!

Book An Appointment

Call: 868-756-1880

Guaico Trace, Guaico, Sangre Grande

Working Hours

Monday-Saturday 8am-5pm.